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• The word washoku (和食) is the word that defines Japanese cuisine.

• Japanese cuisine being an intangible world heritage, it emphasizes local and seasonal ingredients, always looking for the maximum flavor of each ingredient and/or technique, in search of the world-renowned UMAMI.


• Japanese cuisine with the opening of Tokyo Bay suffers various influences from the West with the introduction of meats, flour and sugars in the Japanese diet, several Western dishes undergo fusion with Japanese techniques and ingredients, calling it Yoshoku.

• ISHIZUKA ACADEMY through Sensei Ishizuka Fábio teaches several Washoku and Yoshoku Courses, including Chinese, Korean and especially Japanese cuisine, taking the secular and the modern in order to create dishes, flavors and train professionals in Japanese Gastronomy with a wide range of knowledge and tools to work anywhere in the world.

• Para saber mais informações sobre o curso de Washoku e Yoshoku presencial clique            to talk to us.

• See the photos of the dishes from the Courses taught in person at our hub in Japan.


©2025 by Ishizuka Academy

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